
Qigong For Depression Online Course

Harmonize Your Body, Breath, and Spirit for Managing Depression

Qigong For Depression Online Course


30 Days Money Back Guarantee

 This course includes:
 Deep breathing techniques to release depression
 Downloadable audio of 5 Element Qigong Breathing and Meditation
  Qigong Prescriptions for Depression


  • Manage depression through holistic Qigong techniques.
  • Learn tools for mobility, mindfulness, and neuro-hacking.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the link between mental habits and brain function.
  • Join a supportive global Qigong community.

What You'll Learn

  • Discover ancient breathing, meditation, and dynamic movement techniques to manage depression.
  • Learn a unique, holistic system of Qigong to harmonize your body, breath, and spirit for mobility, mindfulness, and neuro-hacking.
  • Understand the intricate link between mental habits and brain function, and how movement and breath training can support long-term change.
  • Join a global Qigong community to cultivate social connections and protect yourself from depression.


This online course is designed for those who feel depressed, overwhelmed, or lack purpose. Depression is a widespread and significant medical condition that hurts how you feel, think, and behave. At White Tiger Qigong, we believe that supporting long-term change requires nurturing the whole person. This course is different from other programs because we teach a unique, holistic system of Qigong that harmonizes the body, breath, and spirit. Through ancient breathing, meditation, and dynamic movement techniques, you will learn tools for mobility, mindfulness, and neuro-hacking. You will also develop a deeper understanding of the link between mental habits and brain function, and how movement and breath training can support long-term change. This course is suited for laypeople, teachers, and healthcare workers alike. Join our global Qigong community to cultivate social connections and protect yourself from depression.

  Course Structure

Total time: 1 Hour 23 Minutes

Payment Plan


One Time



Aisha Sieburth

Chris Kummer

Zoe Nash

Tevia Feng


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