Training in A Different Climate
Mar 28, 2017After three weeks of 5 Animals Medical Qigong Teacher Training in Thailand, I came back home and did notice how a change in climate can affect my daily Qigong practice. The body is much more contracted when the weather is cold and the air is dry. It is not as elastic as it was back in Chiang Mai, Thailand where the days were very warm and relatively humid. Therefore, I felt the need of adapting my practice in accordance with what my body feels is right.
Training During Winter
When the weather is cold, the energy becomes more Yin and moves inward into our body. Because of this, the body becomes less elastic and needs longer time to open properly. Therefore, it is very important to sufficiently warm our body before moving on to dynamic Qigong training practice like 5 Animals Qigong. Back home I am spending longer time on a warm-up doing more repetitions of each exercise to ensure that all meridians are opened and the body is ready for my daily dynamic Qigong practice.
I also find it easier to practice at noon when there is a peak of Yang energy. At this time, the body tends to be less contracted and the movements become smoother compared to the morning time, for instance.
Training During Summer
During summer, the energy becomes more Yang and moves outwardly. The heat warms up the body naturally making it more elastic. Thus, we can start our dynamic Qigong practice after doing fewer warm-up repetitions.
In Thailand, where the weather was warm, I felt it easier to practice during a sunrise or a sunset, when there is a transition between Yin and Yang. Practicing dynamic Qigong movements at noon during summer should be done carefully as we can easily overheat our body.
Listen to Your Body
From my own experience, I feel the importance of adapting my Qigong training practice to the nature around me and its weather conditions. It is my body that guides me towards the right balance. So, my advice is: always listen to your body. Don’t blindly follow the same procedure over and over again. Instead, adjust your Qigong training based on the environment around you and the feelings inside your body. This is the best way to practice.
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