Qigong for Beginners
Jul 23, 2022Qigong for Beginners - Why Start Qigong?
Try this Important Qigong Exercises for Beginners Vlog and experience the benefits of this practice.
Qigong Strengthens Core Structure and Promotes Connectivity
Core structure is very important in qigong. This is the very foundation of all qigong movements. When we are able to master core structure our movements and foundations become more stable and have more quality. When we master how to move from our core and not just through the extremities we can move with more quality. Connecting to our core allows our movements to connect and harmonize with our natural energy flow.
Yes, not only does core structure help us have better quality qigong. Core structure actually also helps us connect to the energy of heaven and earth. Our body has different points where our body can connect to nature and the energy around us. These are some important terms to remember for qigong for beginners.
Bai Hui
Bai Hui or a meeting of 100 points is located in the crown point or the highest part of the head. The Bai Hui connects our body to the energy of heaven or the universe. Most of the qigong postures and exercises aim to connect the Bai Hui to the energy of heaven. So, no matter where we are in our exercise, whether in a stance, posture, or movement we connect our Bai Hui upwards, towards heaven, to connect the body with the energy of the universe.
Yong Quan
The Yong Quan is the energy gate located at the center of the soles of our feet. This energy gate allows us to connect to the energy of the earth. Through this gate, we remain grounded even if our Bai Hui is connected to heaven. In qigong, being grounded is as important as connecting to higher energy. Through this point or energy gate, we allow the earth's energy to enter our body and harmonize with our life source.
Qigong connects our body to the energy of heaven and earth. This is important because by connecting to the earth we become aware of the physical world and our own life source. By connecting to heaven we become aware of all there is and the infinite energy. The earth energy anchors us to the physical world, the heaven energy connects us to our consciousness, awareness, and spirit. We need to balance our connection with both the earth and heaven, otherwise, our energy will either continuously descend to the ground or ascend to nothingness.
It is known in qigong, that we connect to nature and nature connects to us. We gather energy not just from the internal functions of our body but we also gather energy from infinite sources around us. When we have a good core structure our body opens up to its natural alignments. When our body is in alignment, our body’s energy channels can connect better to natural energy sources, thus, we can receive more energy and our energy can flow better. This enhances the quality of the functions of our body.
Powerful Qigong for Beginners
Flexibility is also one of the benefits of qigong for beginners. Through qigong movements, we learn the proper way to attain flexibility. Qigong uses active stretching which helps both in flexibility and strengthening the muscles. Active stretching in comparison to passive stretching is proven to be more optimum to achieve flexibility. Active stretching also reduces injury because it engages the muscles rather than just stretching them. When we stretch our muscles there might be a tendency to over-stretch and this may tear the muscles. When we use active stretching we engage the muscle and therefore, allow the muscles to acquire both strength and flexibility without compromising the natural structure of the body. Active stretching reduces the percentage of getting injuries.
In qigong, there is what you call “strength in softness”. When we move we may easily think that strength means using power or tension. In qigong, moving in softness has more quality than moving with tension and power. When we are able to ove softly, we are able to listen and connect to the body’s natural flow. Moving softly allows us to generate energy and allow energy to flow in the deeper channels of the body. When we are able to connect to our own energy through movement, there is deeper power within and without. Through this, we can control our energy better. This is the power of being soft. When we can relax, and let it go, that is true power.
Relaxation, is what we aim for in qigong. When we are able to relax into posture or movement this may be one of the signs that we are going deeper into that practice. At first, it may seem like we need all the power and tension to do a qigong technique or movement but as you keep practicing, you will realize that relaxation is the key to mastering any qigong form. It is when the movement becomes more effortless, that we know that we are flowing into practice.
Benefits of Qigong for Beginners
Qigong has many benefits. The benefits of qigong for beginners are very helpful to reaching optimal functions for one’s daily living. One benefit of qigong is that it can help with pain and injury recovery. Qigong helps in recovering because its exercises not only strengthen the body but also help release any blockages and stagnation that may have caused an injury. Practicing qigong allows the body to realign in its proper posture and alignments. Most of the time injuries happen because of wrong body alignments and posture. Qigong can not only help in injury recovery but can also help reduce the chances of injury.
Qigong is suitable for all mobility, body types, and ranges. Doing qigong every day will help us have a powerful body, focus better in our work, have clearer decision making, have a more peaceful way of living, and many more. Practicing qigong is an overall exercise that helps us reach our maximum potential and helps us reach better overall well-being.
Qigong Exercises for Warm-up
Qigong can be used as a warm-up before any more dynamic or heavy exercises. Some of the best qigong exercises for warm-ups are from the Meridian Qigong exercises. Here are some qigong exercises that are a good warm-up for qigong for beginners.
Finger Stretching Exercises - Wrist Rolls
Wrist Rolls are very helpful warm-up exercises. This helps to release any toxins in the wrist which may have built up from excess salt in the body. Warming up the wrist helps strengthen the joints and to prepare us for even heavier physical activity.
Shoulder Rolls
Shoulder rolls are also important warm-up exercises. This helps us to relax any tensed muscles in the shoulders. When our shoulders are stiff we may not have better mobility which may limit us from performing our best, especially in more physical work.
Shoulder & Hip Loosening - Two Hands Pushing Sky
The hip area is one of the most important parts to stretch. The hips connect the upper body and the lower body. By stretching this area we loosen it up so that more movements and energy can flow from the upper body and lower body.
This warm-up also opens up the major muscles that allow some qigong movement and stances such as the horse stance or bow stance to be more strong and stable.
Warmup Waist Circles
The waist circle warms up the girdle vessel. The girdle vessel or Dai Mai, is the only horizontal vessel. This vessel is very important as this, strengthens the core and it integrates, regulates, and harmonizes the functions of the other vessels. It is also connected to pent-up emotions and traumas. This is an important qigong exercise to add to qigong for beginners' routine.
Opening / Closing a Qigong Routine
Opening routine helps us connect to the movement and center our energy before we begin the qigong routine. Closing routing helps us to ground the energy and release any more excess energy in the body.
Qigong Exercises for Beginners
Qigong exercise ranges from postures, and subtle movements, to dynamic exercises. For beginners, it is always important to know the correct postures as this will all serve as the foundation for all qigong exercises.
Some subtle movements for qigong for beginners are Wudang Single Tiger Move Qigong, Wudang Single Snake Move Qigong, Smooth Ferrying a Light Boat, and many more.
Are you ready for Qigong?
Qigong for beginners is a great way to cultivate energy, connect to natural sources of energy, and align our body, and a very good warm-up exercise. Even just simple qigong for beginners exercises can be very optimal in helping one have a better way of living.
To begin qigong one must have an eligible teacher who has learned this practice from true sources or roots. If you have any health issues or injuries, you may need to consult your doctor first before beginning qigong. Otherwise, feel free to begin your qigong journey today.
Try this great online Qigong course for beginners, The 8 Trigram Qigong Online Course.
If you are new to Qigong – check out our online courses.
If you want to go deep and master this Qigong – join a teacher training.