Qigong Flow for Beginners
Jul 19, 2022Qigong flow for beginners is one of the best movement experiences one can learn to practice. For beginners who are looking for the best exercise to start, let’s talk about what qigong is and what are the benefits of this practice.
Qigong Flow for Beginners - What you need to know
What Is Qigong?
Qigong is an ancient practice which is a balance of movement and meditation. It has been known for thousands of years as moving meditation. The roots of qigong movements connects to nature.
Qi means “energy” and Gong means “to work on”. The best translation of this word could be, “to work on energy” or “working with energy”. It is the art of cultivating energy through moving meditation.
How is qigong moving meditation?
Qigong uses the Body-Breath-Spirit or the 3 harmonies. Without one of these 3 Harmonies it is not qigong. Qigong cannot be just movement alone. If do not harmonize movement with breath and spirit, one cannot receive the maximum benefits of this ancient practice.
The 3 Harmonies (Body-Breath-Spirit)
Body - Physical Movements
The body mechanics of qigong uses stances, postures and dynamic movements. These movements are not only to look good but it connects to the meridians, energy channels, organs and many more. It is more than just superficial or external movements. Through these movements we align and realign our body to our natural state and connect to the energy of the natural sources of energy around us. When our body is aligned then we can harmonize our energies better and open our body to receive fresh qi (energy).
For beginners it would be more effective to focus first on the body or physical movements of qigong. The reason for this is, one cannot focus on the next steps if one is still thinking of the body mechanics or the movement of the qigong exercise. Focusing on the movements is the main focus for qigong flow for beginners. Mastering the movement needs dedication and time. The movements of qigong are precise in a way that it does not only look for the placements of the body, like the arms, legs, head and foot. Qigong body mechanics also includes understanding why one has to move in a certain way.
The reasons for the movements in qigong goes deeper, including the organs, energy channels, meridian and many more. However, it always more optimum for beginners to take it one step at a time and then, getting into one layer after the other. Focus on your own process rather than forcing to master it right away.
Breath - Breathing Patterns
When the body mechanics is already good, next, we can harmonize our breath and body. In this day and age where everything is fast paced, most people hardly even notice if they are breathing properly. When we are not aware of our breath it can cause harm in the body. The breath may be very subtle but it holds very important keys to life itself. Our quality of breath tells a lot of the quality of the way we live and our entire being.
Not using our breath properly can cause harm in our body. One of the most common problems that relates to breathing is chronic overbreathing. Over breathing increases heart rate, raises blood pressure and decreases blood flow in the brain. 25% of the modern population suffer from chronic over breathing.
How is breath important to qigong? Breath helps move the qi on our body. When we don’t have quality breath our movement and body also suffers.
It is important that movement follows the breath while doing qigong exercises. This allows us to be aware of the current status of our body. The awareness of body and breath through movement and breathing patterns in qigong exercises releases tension and removes blockages and stagnations in the body. This allows qi to flow more freely in the body.
Knowing when to inhale, exhale and even hold the breath is important in qigong. All these breath techniques enhance the benefits of the beautiful and rich movement of qigong.
Spirit - Visualization or Intention
The Spirit can be tap into through qigong through visualization or intention. One way is to connect to the spirit of the animal of the qigong or the element of the qigong. This helps us also find the spirit of the animal and the spirit of the element within us as well.
Through qigong our internal strength is cultivated. By setting intentions we connect to the energy within and outside of us. This also helps us align to the emotions and energy we need for our practice. Once we harmonize the body and breath then we can use our intentions to direct our breath.
Visualization is used to help us feel the qi. When we say visualization in qigong it does not mean imagination. If we say imagination then it is not real. In qigong when we say visualize we actually feel it in our physical body. Of course for beginners feeling the qi or sensing the qi may not come instantly. This takes practice.
When doing qigong flow for beginners it is more optimum to do it as slowly as you can first. This allows us to have better focus and lets the movement sink in better. Doing the qigong slowly helps us to wring out excess qi or old qi in the deeper layers of our body without compromising or releasing the good or fresh qi (energy). This also helps in reaching flow state faster which is important to help us tap into the spirit of the qigong.
Why is doing Qigong good for Beginners?
Doing qigong flow for beginners help strengthen the body. It helps us have a strong bone structure, aligns our body, enhances our muscles and gives overall power. Aside from strengthening the body, qigong also gives balance to our organs. It helps our organs release any toxins and blockages in our organs.
Physical benefits of qigong for the organs
In Chinese medicine it is known that our organs hold certain emotions. The lungs hold the emotion of grief. Through qigong, we balance grief with joy. The heart holds the emotion of desire. Through qigong, we balance desire by bringing in contentment and peace. The liver holds the emotion of anger. Through qigong we balance anger by bringing in acceptance and forgiveness. The kidney holds the emotion of fear. Through qigong we balance fear by bringing in courage and willpower. The Spleen holds the emotion of worry and anxiety. Through qigong we balance anxiety and worry by bringing in nurture.
The connection of the organs and emotions through qigong helps us have stronger emotional strength. This means that qigong not only strengthens the body by balancing the organs, it also helps us with releasing our excess emotions stored in the organs.
Qigong helps connect all our physical body components from the external body to our internal organs. This allows us to have not just a powerful body but also it helps balance our overall energy.
Does Qigong Help Digestion?
We have read that qigong incorporates the organs in its movement. One of the benefits of qigong is that it helps digestion. In qigong, it is important that the organs are involved with each movement. This is because it is known in Chinese Medicine that our organs are an important storage of energy.
One of the organs that benefits from qigong are the spleen and stomach. The spleen and the stomach are organs important for digestion. There are qigong exercises that work exactly for these organs which helps in good digestion.
Here are some of the qigong exercises that are good for digestion:
Snake Qigong - 5 Element Qigong
The snake qigong from the 5 Element Qigong connects to the earth element. It is known in Chinese Medicine, it is known that the earth element connects to the emotion of anxiety and worry. In Chinese medicine it is known that our emotions connect to the organs. The earth element connects to the stomach and the spleen.
These stomach and the spleen are responsible for transforming energy from outside sources of the body. The stomach and the spleen transforms the food and drink we consume into useful energy in the form of digestion.
The energy in the spleen works more on “ascending” so it can relay nutrients to the heart and lungs. From the heart and the lungs, the nutrients can then go to the circulatory system and then the rest of the body. The energy in the stomach works more on “descending” to help facilitate digestion and excrete waste out of the body. These movement of energy, the spleen’s ascending and the stomach's descending motion work together to facilitate digestion.
The Snake qigong connects to the earth element through grounding movement. This helps the digestive system release any toxins that needs to be released. This also helps in digestion. The movement in the snake qigong also squeezes the spleen to release toxins in that organ, and then releases it to help it receive fresh qi.
Rabbit Springs - 8 Trigram Organ Qigong
The Rabbit Springs Qigong from the 8 Trigram Organ Qigong works on the colon. It has stretching motion that stretches the digestive system first and then as the movement compresses, we do a gentle massage around the colon. This helps the colon release blockages and stagnation that impairs digestion process.
This qigong also uses the lion's breath, which also helps in adding warmth to the body, which also assists better in a smoother digestion process.
These qigong exercises help best for digestion. Aside from these there are also other qigong techniques, such as qigong breath techniques and 6 Healing Sounds to help digestion.
These qigong exercises are very good for digestion. It helps the stomach and spleen function best through gentle massage and compression and expansion. Qigong movement and other qigong techniques help in optimum digestive function. This helps wring out the excess toxins or blockages in the organs, allowing smoother flow of energy.
Can Qigong Make You Stronger?
Qigong is a holistic practice that taps into different aspects of our being. Getting stronger through qigong helps us become stronger not just physically but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Through qigong our body can have more balance structure, our mind remains centered, and our spirit becomes calmer. This makes us holistically stronger through qigong. Even qigong flow for beginners already have the benefits of stronger overall body through qigong.
Is Qigong Meditation?
Qigong is a balance of movement and meditation. This practice uses movement to align the physical body with our spirit. Qigong exercises use intention and visualization to help us connect with our energy. Qigong flow for beginners also optimizes qigong meditation.
When we are able to do the movements without thought, or in a complete flow state and we are able to harmonize movement with our breath we are able to tap deep into our spirit. Then, if there is no more hesitation or thought and we move with effortless ease this helps us have our own inner sense of our practice and , therefore, connect with the practice even deeper.
This is why qigong is a balance of movement and meditation. First, we connect to our body through movement. Through this, it helps us connect with our life source and energy sources. Then we harmonize our breath which allows us to move qi more freely in the body. After that, we tap into a deeper flow state and connect with our spirit. Practicing qigong is not just body exercise but deeply taps into deeper aspects of being through meditation techniques. Qigong is a moving meditation.
What Is the Difference Between Qigong vs Tai Chi Qigong vs Yoga
Qigong and Yoga are very deep practices to discuss on their own. Both of these practices are very rich and are really proven to be beneficial for the body. All of these practices are moving meditation that helps us harmonize energy.
Qigong and Yoga have energetic maps that are similar but are different in some contexts. In qigong we focus more on grounding the energy and connecting to our energy sources within and without. Yoga focuses more on ascending the energy, or reaching “Samadhi” also known as enlightenment or ascension. If you want to learn more about the similarities and differences of qigong and yoga read here.
Tai Chi is a type of Qigong which consists of short movements that can be done simultaneously. The main goal of Tai Chi is to create harmony between the mind and the body.
How Do I Start Practicing Qigong? - Qigong Flow for Beginners
First you must find a teacher that fits best for you. Having a teacher is very important as we learned that qigong is not just a one dimensional movement practice but has very deep and complex knowledge and skills needed to reach the maximum benefits of this practice. There is a lot of knowledge that cannot be found online or even in ancient texts, because a lot of the knowledge is only passed down from a master to their disciples. Most of the texts we might find only show the superficial details of qigong but not really discuss it up to its roots. For beginners, to help you start one must find a teacher that is credible and very well knowledgeable of this practice.
Understanding Qigong Flow for Beginners
Qigong is a great exercise for beginners. It helps understand body structures better and also taps into the energy channels of the body. Qigong taps in all physical aspects of the body from the bones, muscles, and joints to the organs and meridians. Through qigong flow for beginners one can reach higher levels of movement. With consistent qigong, one can reach flow state and help reach deeper meditation through movement.
Qigong helps in different body functions such as digestion. By using movement and other qigong techniques we help our organs function best.
Qigong helps us become stronger holistically. Through the 3 harmonies, Body-Breath-Spirit we cultivate energy. Without the 3 harmonies it cannot be considered as qigong. Movement alone is not qigong because movement alone does not cultivate energy. The 3 harmonies help us reach higher levels of movement.
By understanding our body through this moving meditation practice we cultivate energy. This helps us to have better emotional balance, stronger body, spiritual and mental strength and many more.
If you want to start qigong today and learn qigong flow for beginners, please visit our website to see all the courses, in-person training, master course, and teacher training we offer.