Qi Gong and Substance Addiction: how the practice can aid recovery
Oct 15, 2018Addiction is an uncontrollable impulse. An impulse that often involves a compelling and irrepressible need to consume a potentially dangerous substance in order to satisfy an immediate pleasure that will calm the spirit, the emotions, and internal tensions. This is a continuous, pathological and destructive path.
These substances can include drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or medicines. Certain substances are more damaging for the liver (drugs, alcohol), others more for the lungs (stimulants, cocaine, opiate sedatives, respiratory depressants).
But we cannot speak of the organs that are Liver and Lung without evoking the two psychic entities which are associated: Hun and Po.
The Hun and The Po: the two souls of human
Hun is the spiritual part of human, his heavenly soul in relation to heaven and Yang energy (movement, lightness, elevation, Light).
Po is the bodily part of human, his earthly soul in relation to the earth and Yin energy (immobilization, condensation, sensations, body, darkness). The balance between Hun and Po, and Yin and Yang accompanies a human throughout his life.
In a general way, the toxic substances induce a Hun and Po dissociation; the minds disperse, the bodies dissolve.
The interest of Qi Gong and Addiction
Absorption of toxic substances generates toxic debris that can lodge in tissues and organs and obstruct blood and energy flow of the body. Qi Gong practice activates lymphatic and blood circulation, speed up blood cleaning process and thus detoxify organs.
Addiction decreases the individual's ability to cope alone with stress, emotions, and tensions. Qi Gong, with its movements and breathing, brings a lasting state of relaxation and a feeling of well-being. Qi Gong meditations generate letting go and release the emotional and physical tensions.
Any dependence on substances and addictive behaviors develops a lack of self-esteem leading to a tendency to seek isolation and fall back on oneself; the door opens to a gradually depressive state. In any major addiction, anxiety, stress and depression are most often found. Practicing Qi Gong in a group will re-establish a social, friendly and benevolent field in the individual. Qi Gong restores body energy, lowers cortisol rate (stress hormone) reducing stress and anxiety.
Dragon Qigong[/caption]
White Tiger Qi Gong practices and addiction
It is a practice of Spirit and Body working on mental concentration, coordination of movements, adaptation to postural changes and generating the total recovery of self-confidence. So, White Tiger Qi Gong takes all its importance by working specifically on the concerned organs, Liver and Lung. But also focuses on the heart, the seat of all emotions, and the kidney, the seat of vital energy and anchoring, are largely concerned.
With Five Elements Qi Gong and Five Animals Qi Gong, we can find the appropriate postures associated with the organs concerned. Furthermore, Eight Trigram Organ Qigong (Bagua Organ Qigong) will be very suited to those with addiction. It’s spiral specificity and it’s fluidity in relation to energy Water, calming and soothing; thus working on all the organs at the same time, in a harmonious and liberating way.
Aiding addiction recovery is just one of QI Gong’s many benefits. Explore more of Qi Gong’s potential by exploring our blog here.
By Evelyne Glacet
Nurse, Holistic Health Consultant, Acupuncturist in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Massage Tuina, White Tiger Qi Gong Instructor