5 Animal Medical Qigong Teacher Training Review
Mar 09, 2018Medical Qigong Teacher Training review for February 2018 – This was hands down one of the best Qigong Teacher Training I have ever been in.
We started off with week one of going through each of the 5 Animal Qigong forms of the Autumn and Winter Roads.
Autumn Roads
Tiger Qigong
Deer Qigong

Monkey Qigong
Bear Qigong

Crane Qigong

Winter Roads:
Many mornings at about 7:30am we had a voluntary review session of Qigong for about an hour with Thanh Van.
Morning Qigong
This was followed by a sumptuous and healthy breakfast in the Kuan Yin Dining Hall.
At about 9:30am we started the theory and inner alchemy portion of the Medical Qigong Teacher Training. We discovered a consolidated history of Qigong, of which 100% of the students had never even learned before. It was revealing information into the beginnings of Qigong 5,000 years ago all the way into the present into what it has become today.
Also covered in this week was the beginning of the Primordial Breathing Qigong. This portion dealt with the inner alchemy of Qigong, which is an integral part of White Tiger Qigong. Some schools divide inner alchemy and Qigong training. With White Tiger Qigong, we learned how they seamlessly fit together.
At about 11am we began our more physical training of the Medical Qigong Teacher Training. This involved Standing Qigong, followed by Meridian Qigong to warm us up.
Standing Qigong
After that we commenced the 5 Animal Qigong training. We would focus on two animals per day. The format was designed so that it is like make a sculpture. Students learn the fundamental details and structure of the forms so that later. Level 1 is all about creating the structure so that the student understands the basic form.
Level 1
We typically break each day at 12:30pm for a decadent 5 Element lunch at the Kuan Yin Dining Hall at Tao Garden where there are soups, salad bar, choice of meat or vegetarian, a mix of Thai, Chinese, Western and Japanese style foods as well as fresh juices and Thai desserts.
Taking a nap or resting after lunch is important so we can have good energy for the afternoon training.
At about 3:00pm we go over more Qigong theory along with learning the anatomy of the 5 Animal Qigong forms including a basic course on fascia and its unique relationship to the Qigong. This is a unique aspect of White Tiger Qigong Teacher Trainings that only recently other schools are beginning to copy. The difference is, Tevia worked with fascia experts to design a powerful program that can wet the appetite of even anatomy experts. Many days in this week we also continued going deeper into the Primordial Breath Qigong.
One day we learned how to conceal and project our Yi (intention) and Qi in a really fun game where one team is blindfolded and the other has to penetrate the other team’s defenses.
Concealing and Projecting Yi
At about 4pm we begin the 5 Animal Qigong training again. At almost 5:30pm and sometimes up to 6pm if we need the extra practice we close out with a deep and relaxing Standing Qigong practice. This practice allows us to really reap the benefits of the dynamic movements where we can change the emotions through powerful Qigong exercises, visualizations and more. We also learn to deeply relax all the way into the organs and even the bones. After this students break for dinner and then at 8pm we have an optional Dao Yin training and Six Healing Sounds that students can join if they wish.
Week 2 of the Medical Qigong Teacher Training was where we began the learning the Ancient Chinese Medicine Module with Ancient Chinese Medicine Doctor, Ben Elan.
Ancient Chinese Medicine Class Level 2
We discovered the 5 Element theory in depth, along with Meridian relationships and more. There were many fun and interactive exercises for the students to participate in to make the learning even more fun.
It was in this week that Tevia revealed the secret Qigong breath, the White Tiger Qigong breathing technique. This technique was so powerful, people were speechless. It was a life changing breath for many. This is one you must experience in person to realize just how powerful it is. I can’t say much about it here, but I can tell you, it contains a powerfully intense, martial fire breathing technique that is an ancient technique used by the Daoist monks in their training.
In the physical training portion we delved deeper into details of each animal. Most students did not realize how many details there were to the Animal Qigong forms as the depth these possess is brilliant.
There are details that no book or video can reveal so I highly recommend you try it in person.
Week 3 of the Medical Qigong Teacher Training was mostly for those who want to either become a teacher oneday or at least get the most in depth training possible.
Level 3
This is also the week that we learn Qigong prescriptions so that we can begin to discover how to use the Qigong that we learned like a natural medicine.
Finally, we had a graduation ceremony where all the participants got their Qigong Assistant Teacher certification which means they can share the Qigong with others for free.
They are not allowed to actually be a teacher at this point and charge money as they now need to go home and use their at home study course (5 Animal Qigong online course and the 5 Animal Qigong book) to refine and master the movements so that once they become proficient enough, they can test to become a certified White Tiger Qigong Teacher for the forms they learned in this Medical Qigong Teacher Training.
Find out when the next Qigong teacher training is and explore the rest of our Qigong blog here.