Discover the essential theory that every Qigong practitioner and Qigong teacher should know

Did you know there are over 3000 kinds of Qigong? With all the kinds of Qigong how do you choose the one that is right for you? It can cause a lot of confusion, but now, in this course your questions are answered and much more!


Course Outline

Module 1:

A Science That Transforms Lives

This module is an introduction to Qigong that breaks things down in an easy to understand way that any newbie to Qigong or even a well seasoned pro can learn something from.

Module 2:

Qigong Past and Present

This is the first online course that goes into the history of Qigong in this much uncensored depth. It is controversial and will surprise even most Qigong teachers, but it is something that you should know. If you want to understand how and why Qigong is the way it is today then this course is for you.

Module 3:

Core Tenets of Taoist Qigong

In this module we will do a deep dive into:

The 3 Treasures and why it is essential for understanding it in your Qigong practice. We will fuse the ancient knowledge and map it with neuroscience.

The 3 Harmonies and how it is a must for any Taoist Qigong practitioner to know.

The 5000 year old book of changes, the i-Ching, and how to apply to it Qigong.

Module 4:

Fusing Modern and Ancient Science

Discover how the meridians actually tie into the sports science of fascia. How is Qi generated just like electricity in the body. We offer a clear framework for understanding the meridians from a sports science perspective.

*After you complete this course you will be more knowledgeable than 90% of other Qigong practitioners out there!

Level up your knowledge of Qigong with the Essential Theory for Qigong Practitioners and Teachers today!

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